Let's Protect the U.S. Kava Industry Together.

🇺🇸 The FDA is revamping the Dietary Supplement Ingredient list – Kava is on it.

💡 They want your feedback.

🗣️ Let’s unite to assert Kava’s safety and benefits, and aim for its GRAS recognition. With your help, we can make this a reality.

Outdoor kava plant
Kavahana Logo in White with Two Lines with a white Border

Generate a Message to send to the FDA

Simply use the form below to output a customized message you can then send to the FDA. 

Connect with Kavahana

  • STEP 1: Enter your name and email in the above form. Wait 30-90 seconds after submitting for a customized letter to generate. 
  • STEP 2: Review generated letter
  • STEP 3: Copy and paste the letter and email it to ODSP@fda.hhs.gov
    • Add a subject along the lines of: “Dietary Supplements Containing Kava – Request for Comments and Scientific Data“.

🙏 Thank you for advocating for the Kava industry and for taking the time to provide feedback to the FDA. 

Follow us to support our mission to keep kava protected in the U.S!